Speculative chemistry is a way of thinking of reasoning. Some despite everything pay attention to it and believe that it can assist them with making gold out of any sort of metal. It is all the more a conviction than it really is a genuine article, yet you can't reprimand somebody for putting stock in something, can you? Today is the story with our characters. They know that chemists are something that exists just in the accounts, yet at the same time would set out to accept that there still is an opportunity for the needed gold to be a piece of their lives once more. It isn't coincidentally that the magician Corbin attempts to follow the chemists' past and reproduce the picture about the formation of gold. The magicians Corbin is the main posterity of the chemists Yasmin land in the alleged Land of the chemists. Today there never again exist chemists, yet they might want to find something increasingly about these individuals. Tuning in to the narratives of her granddad chemist, Yasmin realizes that here some place lies the formula about the changing over of the common metal into gold. Corbin and Yasmin have their companions around to support them and they begin investigating this land.