Numerous individuals envision living in a modest community or a town on the grounds that the life in those spots is constantly depicted as calm and tranquil. Typically, the individuals that live in more modest spots know one another and are hard to share things, making a decent network. Sadly, terrible things happen even in the little places, and that is the situation in the accompanying game as well. Donald, Charles and Betty live in the little town named Wolfpine. Multi week back, there was a homicide in the town. The police actually haven't explain the case so everybody in the town is concerned and terrified on the grounds that the homicide is still some place around. Donald, Charles and Betty are likewise stressed over the entire circumstance and they accept that somebody from their town is the genuine killer. That is the reason they have chosen to quit hanging tight for the police and to begin their own examination. That way they could enable the police to comprehend the case quicker and everybody in the town could return to the past life, without feeling compromised.